
Kids Activity

Sunday School

Every Sunday before the worship service, all kids have the opportunity to gather together at 9:30AM to learn about the spectacular stories and critical life lessons found in the Bible. Kids learn about the Good News Jesus Christ has to offer through fun and engaging activities like arts and crafts tailored for their age group. 

LCC offers several classes tailored to specific age groups including Pre-K, K-6th Grade, & Middle/High School. There is also an Adult class as well!

Journey With Jesus

LCC's youth group for kids in grades pre-K-6. During the school year, this group meets every Wednesday, starting with a free supper provided by church members at 6:30PM followed by activities from 7-8PM.

Generally lasting an hour, Journey With Jesus offers kids the opportunity to participate in Bible-based lessons and activities in a fun and relaxed environment in the middle of the week. Kids are encouraged to invite their friends (all youth in the community are welcome) to embark on their spiritual journey together to learn more about the best friend and mentor anyone can have: Jesus Christ!

CLICK THE LOGO for more info!

Youth Sermon 2 4-14-24

Youth Sermons

On the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Kevin gathers the youth of the church ages K-4th grade for a special message tailored just for them! They learn important Biblical principles that give them a strong foundation for their own relationship with Jesus!



Responsible and caring church members volunteer every Sunday to offer nursery services for the youngest attendees Pre-K and younger. Your child stays in a safe, dedicated nursery with age-appropriate activities while you attend the worship service.

Vacation Bible School 2024

Outback Rock was the theme of this year's Vacation Bible School at LCC, held July 10-12th. We greatly appreciate all of the volunteers, parents, and kids that came together to learn about the incredibly powerful, life-changing lessons of the Bible.

CLICK HERE to view the photo gallery for this spectacular event!